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Meet Our Founder

Deborah Olayemi Photo

 Meet Deborah Olayemi, an immigrant from West Africa who migrated to the US with her family at eight years old in hopes of a better life and future. Unfortunately, the change in the environment caused her to experience acne breakouts, skin irritation, and hyperpigmentation for many years. Even after trying so many over-the-counter skincare products and medication, she noticed that nothing worked well for her sensitive skin or only provided short-term results. Without permanent results, this led to low self-esteem and anxiety that haunted her well into adulthood.

After working as a registered nurse for last ten years, she recalled local herbalists back home would widely use herbs, oils, and plant-derived butter to cure skin ailments. So she researched the effects of plants on the skin and started creating products for herself and her daughter, who also had sensitive acne-prone skin. Afterward, she collaborated with a few skincare experts to create a whole collection of plant-based products, including locally grown Shea butter from West Africa, into what is now DeVi's Naturals.

What are your goals for DeVi's Naturals?

Beyond skincare, our community needs more education about the dangers of not prioritizing skin checks. With the rising skin cancer death rates among Black and Brown communities, we need more initiatives to educate about preventive care and provide access to doctors who can diagnose these cancers and treat at its early stages. I am actively working on a comprehensive beginner friendly skin guide that provides non-medical insight into the skin. One of my goals is to establish connections with local clinics and non-profit community organizations to create wellness programs that cater to underserved communities. Another goal is to offer safer alternative skincare products globally for anyone with sensitive skin like me.

Please visit AAD for more information and updated statistics! 


2023: Checkout Deborah's recent interview with Canvas Rebel